“Attack of the Unaware StepMom 3: Taken For A Ride” from SashaCurves

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Stepmom stands up from the chair where she masturbated right next to her tiny shrunken stepson and decides to nip out to the shops, seeing as the boys still aren’t home yet. As she crosses her bedroom to pick up her clothes, she unknowingly crushes one of her step-son’s tiny friends underfoot. Her step-son jumps down from the chair to take refuge in the bra that she discarded onto the floor, only to find that stepmom’s decided to put her dirty clothes back on. First she picks up her panties, checking they smell ok, then goes for the bra. She notices something on it, trying to pick it off like a piece of lint or something as her step-son desperately dodges and wiggles to avoid her nimble giant fingers. She gives up and puts it on anyway, unknowingly pinning her own stepson against her massive breasts. She grabs a pair of tights – it’s cold out today – and slips them on, accidentally trapping some of the shrunken boys inside. They panic as they seen her huge toes coming down towards them, squashing them against her as she slides them up her body. Lastly she grabs a cardigan, flinging some surviving tinies across the room as she puts it on and heads downstairs. The four unfortunate boys are taken along for the ride as she makes her way downstairs and out the door. With no way out and no way to make her hear their cries, they cling on for dear life. As she steps outside, a group of friends seeking refuge by hiding in her car find themselves in even deeper trouble. One is crushed against the pedal by her foot, another squashed into the handbrake. The few remaining survivors do their best to hide, but it’s futile. She’s noticed them. But, distracted by driving, she doesn’t realise they’re tiny men. Thinking her car is filthy with crumbs, she decides to stop by the carwash on her way, to get all this mess disposed of for good…

Features: mix of 3rd person and POV angles, music during certain action sequences but not throughout.

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